
Zero-carbon Park in Anhui

Typical Cases > Zero-carbon Park in Anhui

Zero-carbon Park in Anhui

  in 2023
  Peak regulation and frequency regulation on the grid side
關(guān)鍵參數(shù).png  20KW/30S
項(xiàng)目描述.png  The project is based on a dc-type microgrid system for wind and solar energy storage, in which the first AC microgrid includes a wind power unit, and the DC microgrid includes a supercapacitor energy storage unit, a single-crystal silicon photovoltaic power generation unit and an energy storage battery unit, the supercapacity system provides protection for voltage surge, SAG and interrupt management.
延吉市| 临清市| 武穴市| 金寨县| 敦化市| 正定县| 望奎县| 沙河市| 康平县| 柏乡县| 灯塔市| 微山县| 大新县| 道孚县| 关岭| 丹棱县| 五河县| 阳山县| 宁阳县| 霍州市| 蓝田县| 离岛区| 镇雄县| 台州市| 龙州县| 古蔺县| 大厂| 霍邱县| 鄂托克旗| 温泉县| 昌吉市| 文昌市| 千阳县| 武汉市| 桂阳县| 吴川市| 鄂托克旗| 湘潭市| 饶阳县| 宿迁市| 农安县|