
Application Scenarios

Application Scenarios

As the backup power supply of the wind turbine control system, the supercapacitor energy storage system discharge and drive the pitch system to work;

It can assist in the absorption of curtailed wind and solar resources, and improve the stability and reliability of the distribution network and the ability to accept distributed power sources.

The curtailed wind power is used to supply power to the tower elevator, and the energy storage system is used as the power supply for the tower elevator when the curtailment is insufficient.

Solution Advantages

Solution Advantages

High reliability

As the backup power supply of the wind turbine system, the supercapacitor has the advantages of fast charging and discharging, wide operating temperature, high reliability, maintenance-free, and long cycle life, which improves the reliability of the wind turbine system and reduces the maintenance cost

High safety,high power

LTO battery has the following advantages: high safety, high power, wide operating temperature, maintenance-free and long cycle life for more than 20,000 times which can meet the needs of different working conditions of energy storage system with long-term economic value.

Products Recommendation

Products Recommendation

通辽市| 左云县| 景宁| 道真| 武功县| 正安县| 崇礼县| 铜山县| 盘山县| 吴江市| 梧州市| 沾化县| 上高县| 嘉荫县| 麻栗坡县| 北流市| 邢台县| 青海省| 霍林郭勒市| 宜宾市| 安康市| 怀集县| 江油市| 洛南县| 阿图什市| 巫溪县| 同心县| 八宿县| 华容县| 平定县| 清远市| 武清区| 广东省| 赞皇县| 白山市| 十堰市| 延安市| 小金县| 资中县| 界首市| 诸城市|