
Application Scenarios

Application Scenarios

Reduce carbon emissions and reduce the investment of power distribution facilities with high pollution and high power consumption such as fuel-fired generator sets.

Provide peak regulation and frequency regulation auxiliary services for the energy consumption in the petroleum and petrochemical fields.

Solution Advantages

Solution Advantages



Supercapacitor or LTO battery power module developed and designed for intelligent terminals



Supercapacitors and LTO battery power modules are completely maintenance-free

Wide Range Temperature

Wide working temperature range, especially excellent performance at low temperature, working normally at -40°C~+70°C

High reliability

Strong output current capacity to ensure the reliability of output electric energy


Customized design

Customized modular design according to different applications


Long lifespan

Super long cycle life, up to more than 10 years

Products Recommendation

Products Recommendation

开封县| 邻水| 铜川市| 大英县| 保定市| 和林格尔县| 城步| 咸阳市| 营山县| 巴东县| 太湖县| 鹿泉市| 正阳县| 浠水县| 华亭县| 株洲市| 霍邱县| 洛宁县| 花莲市| 张家界市| 河池市| 五华县| 延安市| 西安市| 耒阳市| 崇礼县| 塔城市| 和政县| 垫江县| 明水县| 威海市| 和静县| 永安市| 惠州市| 贵定县| 钦州市| 和平县| 错那县| 吉安县| 大理市| 奈曼旗|